






简答题 6.请根据所给材料用英语写一篇教学设计。


【金标尺解析】本题考查教学设计。 【金标尺答案】 Teaching Topic: Is this your pencil? Teaching Objectives Knowledge and Skill Objectives: Students will be able to listen, speak, read and write the following words and phrases: pencil, dictionary, eraser, his, mine, hers, yours, this, these, that, those...What about...? Thank you for... Process and Methods Objectives: Students will be able to use the sentences freely in situations through Situational Teaching Methods. Emotional Objectives: Students’ initiatives and interest in study will be cultivated. Through group activities, students will learn to cooperate and help each other in learning. Key and Difficult Points Key Points: Students can use the questions freely in their daily life. - Is this/that...? -Yes, it is./No, it isn't. - Are these/those...? -Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. What about...? Students can use these pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers; and students can distinguish former pronouns from my, your, his and her. Students can figure out what it means by this, that, these, those. Difficult Points: Students can use these pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers; and students can distinguish former pronouns from my, your, his and her. Teaching Tools: Pictures, PPT Teaching Procedure Step 1 Warming-up Greeting “ Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?” and sing a song “colour song”. (The teacher can tap to the beat and sing together with students.) Step 2 Lead-in The teacher show some pictures of items (pen, ruler, book, pencil...) and ask “ Is this your pen?” “ Is this your book?” Step 3 Presentation The teacher points at one item of student A and ask “ Is this your pen?” and lead him/her to answer “ Yes, it is. It’s mine.” Then take another one and ask its owner “Is this your schoolbag?” and help him/her to answer “ No, it isn’t. It’s his.” The teacher adopt the same way to present “Are these your...? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. They are...” (During this process, the teacher will present all the new words.) The teacher point different items and says “my book=mine; your book=yours; his book=his; her book=hers”. Students will do the same and repeat. The teacher plays the audio for the first time and ask the students to listen and find out what the dialogue is about. The teacher plays the audio again sentence by sentence and ask the students to repeat. Step 4 Practice Students will role-play the conversation with their partners and do it again by exchanging their roles. Step 5 Production Have students take out a few items and walk around the classroom to use the questions learned in the class to ask different classmates.(Maybe when they do this, they’ll make mistakes. So the teacher comes to them and give them help if necessary.) Then ask one or two pairs to act their dialogues out. e.g. “-Is this your book?” “-Yes, it is. It’s mine.” “-Are these your pens?” “-No, they aren’t. They are his/hers.” Step 6 Summary One student is asked to be the little teacher to summarize what they learned in this class. Step 7 Homework Let students collect their school things and try to say them in English. Collect some things from their classmates. And make a conversation with their partners.